You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once our team receives a prayer request, we will review it for appropriateness. Following our team's review, we will post each request.
2 years ago my husband walked out after 25 1/2 years of marriage. He did not want a family or responsibility and he was having an affair whom he is still with. We have a 24 year old who got into drugs and the ex did not want to confront or give our son ultimatum. No discipline. It’s been 2 years. I still hurt and still pick up the pieces of the 24 year old. I am angry. Sad. Frustrated and just don’t care anymore. I hate my ex with every bit of my being. I need prayers and strength to forgive. Please help me with this and with my son who has an addiction. Thank you
Our wayward daughter recently married a non believer. I am reading, "The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children" which I am finding encouraging. As your time and energy allow, please pray for our daughter and husband to be born again. Thank you.
Please could you pray for our most adorable cat called M. We think he may be experiencing an allergy in the woods which is affecting his paws. Please could you pray for healing. Thank you so very much.
Please pray for my family and I as we fight the myriad attacks of the enemy and his demons.
Please pray for mum in hospital to have good lung x ray, blood tests and doctors reports. Pray also for protection for her from infection, virus, covid or any complication. Thanks so much
Hello, I would like prayer to stop the scapegoating and mistreatment I'm receiving. I also hope my health and finances get better. Praying that my mom will live a long healthy life and say no to the people who keep using her and making her life harder.
Please pray my new job does not get too stressful. I dont do good with overloaded work load or stress with work. I really like this job and believe God got me this good job just please pray it doesnt get stressful. I work hard but dont want stress
Daughter, Ri, who left abuse, she and her children need healing and growth, spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially, and academically.. Ri, Char, Siddy, Bubs and Ivy need wholesome friends, loving teachers, healthy food, obedience to authority, restful sleep and the protection of angels in every way. Ri: wisdom, Char: confidence, Siddy: respect, Bubs: academic catch up, Ivy: toilet training... these are specifics right now. God is good! They are in church and love Jesus!
Please pray for me as I have spent many years trying to overcome an abusive and neglectful childhood as well as my own sin and hardness of heart. I am prone to very negative thinking, destructive thoughts and behaviour, anger, lashing out and despair. My husband has put up with all this patiently - please also pray we can build a beautiful godly marriage despite my negative thinking and that I can be delivered from the clutches of all the negativity.
Please adopt in your prayers N who is a married young lady in Zambia whose brother recently had to take her and her three children in because her husband has been physically beating her for years.
Her and her brother were raised separately and N was married off at a young age to this man in a traditional village marriage. He, his parents and family are not believers in Jesus Christ.
Please pray for N and her three children to heal completely from this and to be courageous to move forward. Also please pray for him N's brother G who is sacrificing much to help provide for his sister and her children.
This prayer has been answered!
Please pray for my mother who is 86 years old and lives alone independently. She has been down in her hip for a while now and an x-ray shows nothing but instead of doing a scan of some kind, the doctor has chosen physical therapy first, we are not a fan of this as a first line of treatment. It feels like it's getting worse daily and our biggest worry is that it will keep her from walking. Please pray that it goes away completely and that we can get a scan as soon as possible to see what could be wrong. Pray it does not make her immobile. I thank everyone who prays. Our God is BIG!
Mrs M
Pray my hearing goes well. Pray I have answers to their questions and will not be nervous. Pray the decision is made in my favor and the judge has compassion on me. Thanks!
please pray for my adult daughter that just graduated to find a good job she likes where she meets people her age and has a purpose......she doesnt know what she wants to do........please Lord lead her to her next step in life
Please pray that the heart of my husband Dan would return to his sons and the son's hearts would return to their father.
Thank you very much!
I’m praying that God’s favor in getting a job. I’ve had 7 interviews and so far no offers. By faith, I believe that the number 7 signifies completion. I decree and declare a teaching job is on its way to me. That it’s already done in Jesus name.
Please pray for my mum who is in icu for good blood test and health check reports and can smoothly transfer to normal ward tomorrow. And please pray for protection from infection, viruses or bugs for her too.
Greetings.i am requesting prayer. I am a born again Christian, lover of God! But I have some personal problems that I'm dealing with I haven't had a job since 2019 and I have gaps throughout my work history. Never had a job longer than 3 years. When my mother was living she never ever worked. She had seven children and I'm the youngest of seven. Some of my siblings they work but I don't. Sometimes I don't know how I'm making it. I've been praying asking God to help me and now I'm reaching out to my brothers and sisters in Christ being transparent..... So I really been down in my spirit lately because I want to do so much I have great ideas but sometimes I lack motivation and I don't know where to start. I write poetry, and desire to write books and the Lord gives me songs. But I don't have a regular job and sometimes I feel down in my spirit about it. Because I don't feel like I'm qualified for a lot of jobs that they offer on job sites. Also I've been a little bit down on myself because the 120 lb I lost I gained most of it back due to injuries and a horrible divorce. And now I lack motivation to try to walk again because of some of the injuries that I do have. Please pray for my healing and my Deliverance. Please agree with me in prayer about being motivated and ambitious. And that I will write my books and my songs.... And another thing I've been so hurt in my life through relationships and friendships, I find myself being alone or wanting to be alone now because I don't want to go through any more pain. I have seven children just like my mom had seven children three live on their own and four still at home and they love Jesus but please pray for them too thank you and God bless !!! ️
Prayers for my husband to be that the Lord softens his heart toward me and he is more empathetic towards me as well. He will be a great provider and protector. He loves the Lord therefore He will love me and my children. I pray that he forsakes all others in Jesus name. I am a virtuous supportive wife loving and caring for my family.
A mom
Prayers that WLF accepts my son’s truck insurance information asap. Thank you for all prayers.
I am requesting prayers for Shelly who has triple negative breast cancer stage 4. I am asking for a possible miracle for this friend. thank you.
Name is Tim please need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated over toxicity at work and home thank you and God bless you
Prayers for body spasms and eye twitches I’ve been having. Prayers it’s nothing serious. Prayers for my lack of sleep. I’m always tired and I always wake up at least 3 times during my sleep. Prayers I get a new job within my workplace
Thank you for helping me in prayer for my husband A. tha he comes back entirely to the Lord and become on fire again for Him. "Cause me and my house will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15
Be blessed!
Could you please pray for my boyfriend and me? He is overwhelmed with work, having cold feet, and feeling inadequate. Prayers for his work and help us to express our love and move in unity towards marriage. Thank you in advance
Please pray for mum who is feeling low because she has this tacheostomy on her..and she can't talk.
please pray that the Lord will minister peace to her and pray that she has the ability and strength to breath out carbon dioxide so that the tacheostomy can be removed from her soon.. Please pray for protection from infection and bug or virus for her too. Thanks
Please pray for my daughter Alexa’s lab results to be normal. Please pray for healing for every organ and cell in her body to work properly.
Thank you
Good Day all please pray for my daughter for a permanent Job she study for a teacher please she's having 3 kids to feed
Please pray for a hedge over me of protection from the enemy as I pray for my adult children Shelvy, Alyssa, and Christian.